

nu-rave: what NOT to do

Don't go for the nu-raver scenester look at all, it's just wrong. Actually, don't anything fluorescent at all. Not even Nike High Tops. Unless, of course, you started taking acids BEFORE getting dressed and IF you didn't actually pick out any clothes, but instead preferred to open the closet door, throw yourself inside, have a good roll around and came back out again.

(shamelessly taken from
(I can feel the hate already of the Nike High Top defenders out there. Come on, I know who you are, let's have a nice go at it...)


RMJ said...


Graven said...

Rapariga, volte lá ao activo sff. As massas aclamam o seu nome! É preciso começar um petição online? Uma chain letter via email com anjos e ameaças de má sorte e unhas encravadas? Sacrificar galináceos em noite de lua cheia?

RMJ said...

mas eu deixei aqui este comentário em jeito de teaser... clika lá no perfil, e vais ver que não precisas de cartaz a la chain letter